Getting Help With My Back
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Getting Help With My Back

As soon as I tweaked my back, I knew that I had a serious problem. I couldn't stand up straight and the pain was excruciating. I tried to hobble to the car, but I realized that I would need help. That day, my wife drove me to the nearest chiropractor, and that doctor helped me more than I thought was possible. After evaluating my condition, he informed me that I had a herniated disc in my back. In addition to adjusting my back to alleviate the pressure, the doctor also recommended some strengthening exercises that he said would help. These days, I can walk pain-free because of my chiropractor. Check out this blog to learn how a chiropractor can help you.

Getting Help With My Back

Understanding The Benefits Of Visiting A Back Pain Doctor

Tyrone Berry

A chiropractor is a healthcare practitioner that specializes in hands-on manipulation of the body's musculoskeletal system, which includes bones, joints, tendons, and connective tissues. The manipulations help relieve pain in said body parts and prevent headaches that result from back and neck issues. Chiropractic care can also help reduce the severity of certain conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and scoliosis. Other reasons to see a chiropractor include:

Reduce Reliance on Painkillers that Can Lead to Addiction 

Many people who suffer from chronic back pain seek short-term solutions to allow them to handle their daily activities. One of those solutions to back pain is painkillers which people take daily, sometimes several times a day. Over-reliance on painkillers reduces the effectiveness of the medication, thus requiring more frequent ingestion. Reliance on painkillers can also cause a substance addiction which will compound a person's medical issues.

Thus, it is advisable to consider a treatment option that can reduce dependency on medication, like seeing a chiropractor. The back pain doctor will help realign your spine, reducing chronic pain and resulting in a lesser need to take painkillers. Overall, frequent visits to a chiropractor will help lower back pain levels, hence negating the need to use medication.

Manage the Chronic Pain Before it Exacerbates to the Point of Needing Surgery

If you develop a reliance on painkillers, the next option to consider to treat chronic back pain is to have surgery. However, surgery is very invasive, plus back surgery is often risky given that the spinal column forms a significant part of the nervous system. Thus, when you visit a back pain doctor, they will be very hesitant to recommend surgery unless necessary.

They will instead recommend considering other alternative medications like seeing a chiropractor. Such a specialist doctor will help reduce chronic back pain by using techniques that promote natural healing. Consequently, seeing a chiropractor helps prevent the need to have invasive surgeries that might not have intended outcomes.

Remedy the Back Pain Before It Advances to Permanent Disability

One of the reasons people experience chronic back pain is poor posture caused by sitting for prolonged periods. Surgery and medication cannot help improve your posture since they treat chronic pain conditions and not habits. On the other hand, a back pain doctor can help improve posture by recommending several treatment options like acupuncture, yoga, and spinal manipulation.

Moreover, surgery and medication often have side effects contributing to an unpleasant experience. However, a chiropractic session will help improve your mood since it offers faster pain relief that lasts longer. Ultimately, consider visiting a chiropractor to correct posture and mood issues.

For more information, contact a company like Roach Family Wellness.
