Getting Help With My Back
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Getting Help With My Back

As soon as I tweaked my back, I knew that I had a serious problem. I couldn't stand up straight and the pain was excruciating. I tried to hobble to the car, but I realized that I would need help. That day, my wife drove me to the nearest chiropractor, and that doctor helped me more than I thought was possible. After evaluating my condition, he informed me that I had a herniated disc in my back. In addition to adjusting my back to alleviate the pressure, the doctor also recommended some strengthening exercises that he said would help. These days, I can walk pain-free because of my chiropractor. Check out this blog to learn how a chiropractor can help you.

Getting Help With My Back

Should You See A Chiropractor For Allergies?

Tyrone Berry

At first, the idea of curing your allergies by seeing a chiropractor may sound strange. Chiropractors, after all, are best known for their abilities to treat back and neck pain by adjusting the spine. But spinal adjustments can do more than relieve back pain. While chiropractic care is not exactly a "cure" for allergies, it can be a really effective, supportive therapy for people who struggle with allergy symptoms. Here are three ways that chiropractic care can help people with allergies.

Opening Up the Sinuses

You might, without realizing it, be sitting or standing with posture that puts pressure on your sinuses. This won't cause allergies, but it will make it harder for mucous to drain out of your sinuses, which can make allergy symptoms worse. A chiropractor can adjust the spine, particularly in your neck, in a way that helps you sit and stand with better posture. More specifically, it will be easier for you to look straight ahead and not slump your shoulders. This can help your sinuses drain better, which will mean you feel less congested. When your congestion drains faster, you also expel allergens from your body faster, which may help minimize your symptoms.

Promoting Better Rest

Do you struggle to sleep when your allergies are flaring up? You're not alone. Allergy symptoms can keep you awake or cause you to wake up repeatedly during the night. This can leave you tired, which only tends to make allergy symptoms worse. A chiropractic adjustment can make it easier for you to fall asleep. Most people feel very physically relaxed and at ease after their adjustment and can drift right off. When you rest well, you'll wake up feeling less affected by allergies.

Improving Immune Function

When your spine is out of alignment, your vertebrae may press on certain nerves related to your immune system. This can make your allergies worse since allergies are essentially your immune system overreacting to something it's exposed to. A chiropractic adjustment can release this pressure on your nerves, thereby improving the function of your immune system. It may become less reactive, leading to a reduction in allergy symptoms. 

If you struggle with allergies, consider seeing a chiropractor in your area. They can adjust your spine, which can help ease allergies in the ways described above. Do make sure you let your chiropractor know that you're struggling with allergies so they can customize their care accordingly.  

For more info, contact a local company like Erb Family Wellness
